This is the Back-Up Module. There are identical choices for back-up to either Drive A or Drive B. The first option permits back-up of data files MASTER.DAT and SERVICE.DAT. These are your most important data files and should be backed-up daily! The first option also allows back-up of financial files in the FINANCE subdirectory. Since you have hard copies of these reports, weekly back-up is probably sufficient. The second option permits back-up of old insurance forms in the OLDINS subdirectory. You may eventually want to delete the older forms and just save the back-up disks. The third option is for back-up of the code files DXCODE.DAT, DXCAT.DAT, CODEFILE.DAT, and CPTCAT.DAT. These should be backed-up whenever the files are changed. Should it be necessary to restore your data, use the DOS RESTORE command. Refer to your DOS Manual for details. 9'bkhlp' BKHLP